Business visual analytics of cCattain workplace
Cattain Dashboard is an information management tool that visually tracks, analyzes and displays key performance indicators (KPI), metrics and key data points to monitor the health of a business. They are customizable to meet the specific needs of the Cattain group of companies. This the most efficient way to, track multiple data sources and display the business analysis of the company.
CDMS-(Cattain Dashboard Management System)
Central Dashboard
Board of directors can access these dashboards.
Subscriber Dashboard
Specially designed for Subscribers/Customers
Franchise Dashboard
Specially designed for Franchises Onwers
Incubation Dashboard
Specially designed for Incubation Authoritys
Entity Business Dashboard
Individual CEO’s of companies can view the business analytics
Trainings Dashboard
Business segment wise schedules & availability
Cattaingroup Dashboards
powered by
Cattain Group
Global Extension Teams
- Sales
- Marketing
- Incubations
- Franchises
- Subscribers
- Incubation Authority Details
- Franchise Owner Details
- Profiles
- Requests

Our Business Visual Dashboards
Every authorized user can now login with the Microsoft credentials to access your business dashboards to check details about the payments, Notifications, Uploads, subscribers, job seekers with country wise filter search
Access to Authorised
As we are following Single-Sign-On method for login system we suggest all the authorized users must use the Microsoft user name and password to access the dashboards